Why should organizations update their BCP, BIA, RTOs, and RPOs?

The Business Continuity Plan, the Business Impact Analysis, the determination of Recovery Time Objective, and the Recovery Point Objective are critical in ensuring the organization is prepared to handle incidents and disasters with minimal losses.

However, the steps of identification, determination, analysis, and end result involved in each process undergoes changes over time. These changes could be due to new business process, new infrastructure, new risk elements, new vulnerabilities, or new threat agents.

It is important for any processes to be cyclical and enter the phase of review and restart from the beginning, and more so for critical processes involved in drafting the BCP, BIA, RTO, and RPO.

This will ensure that any given time the organization has the nearest true picture of its assets, resources, and activities, and its documents reflect their analysis based on them. This will help ensure the organization is best prepared to handle security incidents and disasters.